

黑客学院hacker2023-11-18 21:20:311014A+A-

  Have you ever heard of any hacker fails? For September’s DEFCON Shenzhen Group Meetup, Chaihuo Maker Space will have the moderator Peter back in town. He and another hacker, Michael, will be running a discussion themed “When Hacking Ends in Tears” on Sept. 21.


  The discussion will cover some recent hacker stories that didn’t end well for the hackers and a review of the recent Beijing online security meetings.

  Time: 7:30-9 p.m., Sept. 21

  Scan the QR Code below to sign up:

  Venue: x.factory, Design Commune, Vanke Cloud City, Dashi Road 2, Nanshan District (南山区打石二路万科云设计公社x. factory)

  Metro:Line 5, Liuxiandong Station (留仙洞站), Exit A


  Shenzhen Daily



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  • 4条评论
  • 鸠骨顾执2023-11-19 02:12:31
  • pt. 21.     The discussion will cover some recent hacker stories that didn’t end well
  • 酒奴徒掠2023-11-19 05:42:49
  • ne security meetings.  Time: 7:30-9 p.m., Sept. 21  Scan the QR Code below to sign up:  Venue: x.fa
  • 掩吻樱甜2023-11-19 02:59:25
  • Peter back in town. He and another hacker, Michael, will be running a discussion themed “When Hacking Ends in Tears” on Sept. 21.    


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